Delivery methods

We deliver our products worldwide

Standard shipping

Shipping costs are calculated according to weight and delivery address.
Shipping within Germany is from 7,50€.
For international deliveries, the recipient is responsible for all customs duties, taxes and other charges.

Freight forwarding

We deliver large equipment and bulky goods with our service provider by freight forwarding.
The transport costs will be communicated with the order confirmation. Shipping costs are calculated and invoiced exactly according to the dimensions and weight.
Transport by a forwarding agency is carried out without a lifting platform as standard.
Unloading of the goods has to be done by appropriate equipment on site by the customer.

Export conditions

The delivery of goods and the provision of services as well as the performance of actions may be subject to restrictions, in particular according to applicable export control regulations. The customer is obligated to provide in a timely manner all information necessary to verify the end-use, including the end-use purpose.

The validity of an offer, an order confirmation as well as the execution of a contract shall be subject to the proviso that there are no obstacles due to applicable national or international foreign trade or customs regulations or embargos (or other sanctions). If required official approvals are not granted or if the contract cannot be fulfilled at the time of delivery due to one of the aforementioned applicable provisions, the offer, the order confirmation or the contract shall be deemed not to have been concluded with regard to the affected part. The customer shall not be entitled to claim damages if performance is not effected or is delayed due to any of the aforementioned impediments.

If the customer intends to resell or forward the purchased goods, he shall be obliged to check in good time and on his own responsibility whether there are any restrictions, in particular under the applicable export control law. Restrictions may have to be observed not only with regard to embargoed countries, but - depending on the classification and final destination - also in the case of resale within the country.